Hey Everyone! It's pretty obvious that i'm new here

Anyways right now i'm working on revamping the Gold/Silver Trainer Sprites. Heres what I got so far...
Pokemon G/S Trainer Revamps
It's not really that much, but i'll get more finished later.

Tell me if theres anything I can improve on!

Pokemon style has black in the outline. Go back to those sprites and put the black back where it was. The colored outlines don't have enough contrast and look strange.
Ok. Thanks for the advice!
Hmm... I did what you said to one of the sprite's... but it just made it more awkward...
These seems to small compared to the newer trainer sprites are you revamping for 4gen or 3 gen?
And not every outline is black you need to change beetwen colored and black outline
i believe they are a bit bigger than 2gen you scould perhaps try to make the legs longer or something
just my oponion of course other may have different ideas im not a pro
Well, I'm not scratching. I found the trainer sprites and started revamping from there.