09-07-2018, 09:50 PM
So i waited some time before asking about this, i'm not sure if anyone's requested these yet but if possible could someone try to rip the virtual world character models or possibly Kiibo's 3d model from chapter 6 with their intact rigging if possible? Normally i'd try to do it myself, but i haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of the game. I don't need them all right this moment, I'm currently only seeking the models for Kiibo,Gonta and Miu. I would really prefer them with intact bonesets please, but i'll still accept them even if they can't be pulled with their bonesets intact. Actually, could someone confirm to me if the virtual world characters actually use 3d models? or are they just really 3d looking sprites? because they look 3d, but i saw them listed as sprites in the spriters resource....I'm extremely confused right now...
But i
This is for anyone who might help me with this request- I greatly appreciate your help and i dearly thank you in advance!
But i
This is for anyone who might help me with this request- I greatly appreciate your help and i dearly thank you in advance!