Hi I am trying to do a mapping project for animal crossing style map in tf2, but I can't find any assets for happy home or pocket camp and I see them being uploaded, slowly but surely. Anyone know where I can download them/rip them so I can start making them into models?
Hope someone can help with a link or the files.
What sort of assets are you looking for? Textures, models, sounds? Being a little more specific could help a bit!

Actually, this is a perfect time for me to catch this, i've been trying to dig into pocket camps files, the game uses the unity game engine and there is a specially made program used to view and export the models. every once in awhile ive tried digging around but the file names are so oddly names i have a hard time figuring out what ones ive already viewed or haven't, so it takes awhile plus i have to constantly transfer the updates for new events and stuff over. but i do have some item models laying around i think.
I'm looking for models and textures for either or, whatever I can get my hands on.
Hmm, is it possible I can have the raw model files/textures and could you let me know which tools you are using to extract/import them
also the process for doing so. I've been doing the new leaf ones, but the other games have better content and are way higher quality. Sorry if this is asking for too much, I've been asking everywhere for where I could find the files.
I don't know anything for happy home designer but Pocket camp uses the unity engine and theres a specially made program called unity studio thats made for vieweng and extracting models and textures, its a bit confusing to teach someone how to use it but i can send you a link to the download page in dm's if you want? or i can try to get you the models/textures you are looking for when i get the chance to browse through the games files again.
(10-13-2018, 06:47 PM)Shinigami_Guntz Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know anything for happy home designer but Pocket camp uses the unity engine and theres a specially made program called unity studio thats made for vieweng and extracting models and textures, its a bit confusing to teach someone how to use it but i can send you a link to the download page in dm's if you want? or i can try to get you the models/textures you are looking for when i get the chance to browse through the games files again.
Can you send me the program and how do you decompress the apk so that the program can be used?
For decompressing APKs, just rename the file extension to .ZIP and then decompress from there. Or, alternatively, 7zip can natively unzip APKs without renaming.
Also, I believe Shinigami_Guntz would be referring to this program:
Hope this helps, cheers!
its sort of the same program but i use the older one called unity studio, i had a hard time using asset studio but i might see if that one helps alot more.
I have the apk 1.9 of pocket camp, how do I actually preview and export game models, assetstudio shows no meshes at all. I loaded the root folder and lots of stuff loaded but no models/textures.
I took a look at the APK and its files in both AssetStudio and Android Studio and couldn't find any meshes or textures either, suggesting that they may be downloaded after the core game is installed, and not actually included in the main app package.
its not that simple actually, what i do is i already have the game installed on my phone so i can just get into the games folder and you have to dig around a bit to find stuff. needless to say its a jumbled mess of stuff scattered all over the place, im still in the process on transferring files over since there is quite alot of them to work with, as i said before i can try to find the things you need if you're okay with telling me exactly what you need.
(10-15-2018, 07:09 PM)Shinigami_Guntz Wrote: [ -> ]its not that simple actually, what i do is i already have the game installed on my phone so i can just get into the games folder and you have to dig around a bit to find stuff. needless to say its a jumbled mess of stuff scattered all over the place, im still in the process on transferring files over since there is quite alot of them to work with, as i said before i can try to find the things you need if you're okay with telling me exactly what you need.
I mean its quite a lot, but Id just need the models and textures
https://pastebin.com/7wwMVzXu I can pay you in Steam keys if you find this too much for you. I really really want this stuff for my tf2 map I am making. Ive been wanting to do an animal crossing map for yearrrrrs.
Its not to much, i can start right away and there is no need to pay me anything, it's on the house

im used to using unity studio so i can get things out quick and fast once i locate which files there in

(10-16-2018, 04:55 PM)Shinigami_Guntz Wrote: [ -> ]Its not to much, i can start right away and there is no need to pay me anything, it's on the house
im used to using unity studio so i can get things out quick and fast once i locate which files there in 
Wow..thank you so so much. I edited it to replace some stuff for the tents, hope you dont mind. This is the fixed version.