Well, originally, this was for the SSBI project Med created, but he said it was bad and rejected me lol.

. Anyway, I need some cnc on this to see if I can improve just for fun cuz I made it and now I got nowhere to go xD.
![[Image: Lucario.bmp]](http://narutosprite.ucoz.com/_fr/70/Lucario.bmp)
First off, you have way too many colors. Cut down the amount you're using. Also, the shading on the arm and head doesn't match up with the shading on the rest of the body.
The colors make him look too shiny and I think his feet are too big.
It looks like you placed a bunch of random gradients...
Lol this is my new one cnc on this.

Seems cool. A bit dark though.
You're making it hard on yourself using so many shades.
why do both of those just look like you scaled it down and then outlined it