its possible to get files when the game is updating, from the Data folder (mostly .pmt, .pte and .pme files, but there's also a folder with .scene and .bank files) still not possible to open them though. cc creations said they're "using a hex editor to fiddle with the files" but as someone who knows jack shit about computers, this doesn't tell me much
Someone who knows how to get into sso files said that it can be figured out by reading the asm code.
credits goes to him.)
Im not sure what it means but maybe its something to do with SSOPatchLibary.dll file.
DnSpy may help.
I look the general (english)because Shaw writes there now, Sso ghosty.
but for now, he's not writing anything useful.
Bumping this, made an account just so I could post here
Mainly looking for help on opening the .TGA files of the game as they don't open under usual means
I've found a few of the files show a preview image though most don't (some have duplicates with one version that shows and another that doesn't)
I'd love to visually mod this game with textures, would love if this got figured out, thank you!
Good to hear we can open the csa and csaheader files now.
Now we have to find a solution to decrypt the tga files. Any news?

(01-01-2021, 05:22 PM)Liza333 Wrote: [ -> ]Szia! Módosítottam a bms fájlt (1-et írtam 0 Xd helyett), és ezzel a csillaggal az online bms, quickbms kibontja a pte, pmt és további sso fájlokat.
Elküldöm az új bms-eket (csak a csaheader fájlokkal próbáltam, de kicsomagolva ugyanaz, mint a csa valójában):
And I'm sending one pte file from the folder :
It's really good!
but now I have a problem with opening files TGA. It said like it's broken or something. Do you know how to open them?