Maybe perhaps lower the top speed of the dash animation. The second variation where she kneels, which I assume will categorically a copy of the Advance crouch? Would be a good shout and make her less Sonic-like.
Is this mod cancelled? It's been a long time since you last posted here.
I really like the sprites and I wish this was not cancelled
I think I might of saw the mod in the Sonic Hacking Contest trailer. Is it back? I'd say so.

I checked the video out and yes you were completely right. The project is back and the creator was probably taking a break or concentrating on the project. Thanks for informing men and I am hyped now

Yeah, and the cool thing is I discovered this thread 0-2 days after I noticed in the trailer.
g u y s
The Amy Mania in that trailer is NOT the same one as the one in this thread. That one is being made by Troopsushi. Do your research before you jump to conclusions.
(11-26-2019, 05:41 PM)bennascar Wrote: [ -> ]Guys.
g u y s
The Amy Mania in that trailer is NOT the same one as the one in this thread. That one is being made by Troopsushi. Do your research before you jump to conclusions.
Oh, ok. They both look so good.
come on i want to redesign something new different in 2020 from an official trailer of the game for sega and come on we need amy to come back from a new official trailer of the game launching in december 2020
Say, these Sonic Mania Amy sprites are excellent! Nice job!
(11-26-2019, 05:41 PM)bennascar Wrote: [ -> ]Guys.
g u y s
The Amy Mania in that trailer is NOT the same one as the one in this thread. That one is being made by Troopsushi. Do your research before you jump to conclusions.
Yeah, you're right lol