How to extract
sprites files from
Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to.?
Seems using
e-mote engine.
Can't extract
.dat and
.psp files both GARbro and arc_unpacker.
Any solution?
I'm working on VN extraction.
Thank you

The psp files looks like it's an emote sprite (Has PSB header at the beginning of the file), but not sure about dat files have anything related to sprites. What other formats use this game?
Making a quick search with Google, I saw that the portraits used in dialogues are static, which is very strange for an emote sprite (they are always animated portraits with an image mounted piece by piece). Also, PSB, as far as I know, can't be opened mounted and with animations.
(02-25-2019, 03:51 AM)Sosfiro Wrote: [ -> ]The psp files looks like it's an emote sprite (Has PSB header at the beginning of the file), but not sure about dat files have anything related to sprites. What other formats use this game?
Making a quick search with Google, I saw that the portraits used in dialogues are static, which is very strange for an emote sprite (they are always animated portraits with an image mounted piece by piece). Also, PSB, as far as I know, can't be opened mounted and with animations.
(02-25-2019, 03:31 PM)CorruptTurret Wrote: [ -> ]Those .dat files you attached are just WMV videos (WMV9 codec). You can change their extensions to .wmv and see some quality content (can you send me more? heh heh heh).
Yes, PSP files are compressed PSB.
Solved with latest version of GARbro.
Thank you so much