Last updated: 02/18/2021
Alright, Retsu only has 1 more animation to be added. After that I was going to add a forward + HK move to Lee, and then taunts to him and Joe.... and that's really all. Just adding the last details at this point.
For those who haven't seen it, here's Lassard's Retsu. Thanks for all of the views so far:
SF1 Ryu
SF1 Portraits
![[Image: SF1-Portraits-update.png]](
EDIT 12/16/2020
I've updated the moves:
Won Ton Kick - Charge Down, then Up + K: Similar to Gambit's Cajun Escape. Lee jumps into the air while spinning forward. The player is able to control which direction he goes by pressing the direction on the controls. This allows Lee to either jump straight up or bounce off of the walls. If a kick button is pressed, he does a downward kick. If not, he just keeps spinning until he lands.
Spring Roll - Quarter circle back + P: Lee rolls forward and then does a punch, the roll gets hits too.
Hunan Punch - Quarter Circle Motion Forward + P: Lee does a dashing punch similar to Terry Bogard's burning knuckle. This counters both standing and crouching attacks. This was his main move in SF1.
Peking Duck - Zig Zag forward + K: Similar to Kim Dragon's anti air from World Heroe's, except he is not engulfed in flames. This is Lee's anti air.
Kung Pao Special
- Double QCF + P: This is like a kick version of Ken's Shoyrureppa. Lee rolls forward and kicks 1-3 times in a row, depending on the strength of the button pressed.
Chop Suey:
- Double Half Circle Back + K
Lee dashes forwards and attempts to grab the opponent. If he connects, he does his throw and stomps on them 2-4 times, depending on the strength of the buttons used.
For Mike, I was thinking about simplifying his move commands to make him very easy to use.
(See sprite sheet)
The only move command I would change is for the Yamazaki type punch that stays stationary and hits different angles. Instead of doing the QCF motion, I would maybe change it to: back, forward, back + Punch or forward, back, forward + punch. A move name could be, "Fast Fist" or "Whip Punch" or "Rushmore Whip"
Rushmore Beatdown
- Double Quarter Circle Forward + Punch: Mike Dashes at the opponent while doing straight punches and uppercuts.
Missile Punch
- Double Quarter Circle Back + Punch: Mike takes a couple seconds to rear his hand back, then does an unblockable punch that sends the opponent flying if it hits. This move can be charged for more damage by holding the punch button. Can only be done with 3 super bars.
SPECIALS: (See sprite sheet)
Zigzag forwards twice + Punch
- Geki throws 1-3 sets of three stars horizontally at opponent, depending on the strength of the button pressed. If it connects, the stars stick to the opponent and then fall off, similar to Gambit's "Royal Flash." If it connects, Geki laughs afterwards.
Air Arashi
Double Quarter Circle backwards + Punch
- Same as the ground version, except now the stars are thrown downwards.
- Double Quarter Circle Backward + Kick
This is Geki's version of the Maximum Spider or Gen's diving kick super (forgot the name at the moment). Geki jumps up into the corner of the screen and then dives down to do a high speed kick. If it connects, the opponent is hit with several more flying kicks from different directions.
Split Punch: Down, Down, Down + P
Joe does the splits and hits the opponent in the groin. Must be blocked low. Debating on whether to have the opponent re-act by being pushed back as if they have been hit in the stomach or by being frozen in place and bent over.
Box Car Kick: Charge back, forward + Kick
Similar to Joe Higashi's kick from Fatal Fury. Joe does not travel in a straight line, but in an arc in order to convey the appearance that he's actually jumping forward. The strength of the button pressed determines how far he travels. If it connects, the opponent is knocked back about 3/4 of the screen.
Upper Box Car Kick: Charge down, up + Kick
This is his version of the flash kick and main anti air. The strength of the button pressed determines how high diagonally upward he goes.
Punch Combo: Press punch rapidly
This is his version of Joe Higashi's rapid punch move. If it connects, it creates sort of a vacuum effect as the opponent is drawn in closer. The strength of the button pressed determines how many hits it gets, the final of which is an uppercut that knocks the opponent back about 1/2 the screen length. 4 hits for the LP version, 5 for the MP, 6 for the HP.
Dodge: Charge back, forward + P (not pictured)
Joe dashes forward while leaning to the side like the CvS characters do in the SNK groove. Goes through everything but does no damage. It's main function is to avoid and set up attacks. Also, the recovery is instant.
Psychotic Conductor - Charge back, Zig Zag forward + Kick - Joe dashes forward, does his standing light kick, his standing middle punch, his standing middle kick, his punch combo (6 hits) and then does a number of Jumping spinning kicks (his classic spinning kick). The strength of the button pressed determines how many kicks he does. This goes through projectiles for the start up. It is similar to the super Takuma has where he dashes forward.
Trainyard Tornado - Double QCB + K - Joe does his jumping spin kick over and over again while moving vertically. The strength of the button pressed determines how many kicks he does. Similar to Ken's Shinryuken or Akuma's vertical hurricane kick super from MvC2.
Rush Punch - Zig Zag Backward + Punch
Same as Gouken's dashing palm strike from SF4, it goes through projectiles. The only differences are the command and the fact that it is done with a closed fist. Was thinking of adding more moves to follow up with if the first one hits. The second hit would be an elbow strike to the sternum done with the opposite (rear) hand. The third hit would be a double palm strike to the face which is used in Kempo Karate as an eye gouge with the thumbs.
Kaunta - Half Circle Forward + any button
Retsu bends his knees and squats down slightly in the horse stance and does either a high block or low block. He holds this pose for a second. If hit during this time, he does a kick similar to Ken's standing middle kick from the Alpha series for the high counter, and one similar to his standing heavy kick for the low counter. If he is not hit, the kick still comes out and he does an unblockable strike with extremely slow start up and recovery. 5 of these can kill most characters. It can counter all basic attacks, supers and specials and can parry projectiles. The only things it can not counter are projectiles that hit multiple times or multiple projectiles. This is similar to the move Dan Has in SVC Chaos and the unblockables from the Tekken series. Punch versions do the high counter, kick versions do the low counter. The punch version is vulnerable to low attacks, the kick version vulnerable to high attacks, but only during the blocking animation. The punch animations are of Retsu doing a Karate high block. The kick animations are of a Karate low block. I wanted to pay tribute to the basic attacks in SF1 that did lots of damage.
Ryoku - Half Circle Backwards + any button
Retsu does a standing chop that goes down to about his waist. This is an overhead hit similar to Shingo's elbow move from KOF '98.
Kicking Line - Double quarter circle forward + Kick(s)
This move is similar to Ken's Shippa Jinrai Kyaku, except he doesn't leave the ground.
The strength of the button pressed determines how many kicks he does:
LK = 2 kicks
MK = 3 kicks
HK = 4 kicks
For the first kick, he takes a step forward and does a front kick to the body with his lead leg, for the second kick he does a side kick with the lead leg, the third kick is a crescent kick with the lead leg (Ryu's Alpha Standing Heavy Kick) and finally it is a shuffle side kick (Like Ryu's SF3 shuffle side kick). The final kick sends the opponent accros the screen if it connects but only hits in the level 3 version. It also bounces the opponent off the walls.
Earth Shattering Punch - Quarter Circle Forward x 2 + Punch
Retsu gets into the horse stance, raises his rear arm up, and then slams his fist into the ground, must be jumped or blocked low. If not, the opponent is lauched into the air and loses about a 4th of a lifebar. This can set up his Rush Punch or Kaunta. The strength of the button pressed determines the damage and how high the opponent goes into the air.
Ichi - Ni - San (one, two, three) - Quarter Circle Backward x 2 + Punch (similar to the Shin Shoryuken)
* Can Only Be Done at Level 3*
This is his version of the Shin Shoryuken. Retsu rears back with his lead hand and does a palm strike to the body, followed by a punch to the body with the rear hand, then an uppercut similar to Ryu's standing middle punch. After each hit he says, "Ichi!" "Ni!" "San!" If it misses he does a taunt where he bows his head and prays like his win pose from SF1. This is his best bet against grapplers.
Some ideas for voices:
Mike - Balrog
Lee - Cheng Sin Zan from Fatal Fury or Yang
Retsu - Jubei or Gaira from Samurai Showdown, or Goro Daimon
Geki - Hanzo from Samurai Showdown or Genjuro
Joe - Would just keep his voice effects from SF1, since he was the poster boy for that game, also for nostalgia, or if he really needed a new voice, maybe Galford
Special thanks to:
DaiKuwabara - For the original sprites used as reference sprites for Lee, Joe, and Mike
TrueBacklash - Used his Retsu sprite as reference
Spriter's Resource - For the posting the sprites used as bases
TMZ of sprite database - For the Gen sprites
Shubuster - For more sprites that were used as bases, especially the Strider ones for Geki
T0misaurus - For ripping the Guy sprites, also used for Geki
Insanius - For the Vega sprite rips used for making Geki's claw
Yawackhary - For ripping the SF1 sprite sheets that I referenced when making these
Trololo - For ideas for some of the moves for Geki and Joe
Supaman2525, Count Monte, and Bloodbane - For ripping the Martial Masters sprites for Monkey Boy
Grim and Bonzai - For the Sabertooth sprite sheet I used for the slash sprites for Geki
Croix - For the Wolverine sprite rips, also used for Geki
Gentleman Wrath of gamefaqs - for the updated portrats for Lee, Joe, Mike, and Retsu
My wife - For putting up with me while I made these
and Capcom for creating these characters, I'm only taking credit for editing the sprites they and IGS made to make these sprite sheets.
It's good to see someone making the SF1 characters that didn't return. Main reasons why is because it feels unfair that a couple did but not the rest.
And I have not seen one CPS1/CPS2 styled versions available for MUGEN. So yeah, keep going because this is badly needed.

Well thanks man, that's good to hear. I will try to have a partial sprite sheet for at least Lee next month.
(04-25-2019, 09:08 PM)sil3nt j Wrote: [ -> ]Some plans for Lee and Mike. Not sure when I will be able to work on these, but would like to soon. Maybe this summer. I found the majority of these sprites on here, original Alpha sprites for Lee and Mike were done by DaiKuwabara. Would love to see a SF1 remake one day, a complete one with Alpha graphics.
![[Image: lee-and-mike.png]](
I think this is really great, I like the whole concept and the fact that you did all of these from scrap. I would love to see more of the SF1 characters updated like this.
Nicely done! It's always good to see classics given a more modern spin.
Thanks Moe.
Okay, before I post some Mike stuff, just thought I would post these. I just frankensprited them and am planning on giving these to Retsu as defensive counters followed by Ken's Middle Kick (high counter) and his Heavy Kick (low counter). Thought they looked kinda cool:
![[Image: ryu-high-low-block.png]](
Here's some fake screenshots I made of what this game could look like. Credit to Streetfighter wikia for the backgrounds.
![[Image: sf1-fake-screen-shots.png]](
Just one more for Lee, his get up animation:
![[Image: final.png]](
Thank you to Gentleman Wrath of gamefaqs for these. I don't have time to recolor them right now, but if someone would like to, you are more than welcome:
![[Image: geki-retsu-lee-joe.png]](
.... and he just colored them. hehe that's cool
![[Image: Retsu-Lee-Joe-Mike-color.png]](
Added these last minute sprites to Retsu:
also touched up the Retsu sprite sheet in the first post
Damn, Eddie Van Halen died. I can't believe that. This year has sucked pretty bad so far... R.I.P. to one of the greatest rock legends of all time. Fucking awesome guitar player...
.... well, anyways, I've updated Lee again. I know it's been a few months, haven't forgotten. His jumping punches are finished, as well as his standing and crouching damage sprites (still need the ones where he gets hit low, standing).
Finally finished these. Now Lee is 100%. Very happy with the way it came out. I may go back later and label it and add the animations for the supers (probably no new sprites though).
(see above)
Also, I wanted to dedicate this to my cousin Naythan, who passed away today at age 33. You will be missed.
EDIT 10/22/2020
Almost done, just have 8 sprites to do. Lol adding this belt is time consuming, but I've also touched up a lot of the sprites as I've been going.
Also, a shout out to my brother who is 31 today.
Made some alternate colors today. I used colors from different Capcom sprites for these and based the colors for the "Evil Geki" off of Xienz's sprite edit of Kage / Evil Ryu.
![[Image: colors.png]](