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I wanted to get the game assets from Clumsy Ninja, a game in the app store. Normally I'd just use Unity Studio, but the game's files are much different from other Android apps. I have a picture of the kinds of files the game containsĀ here, and I would appreciate it if anyone knew where and how I could open these files. Also, if it helps any, I'm almost positive the .atc.bof files are the ones that contain the assets, butĀ I'm not 100% sure.
(08-05-2019, 12:48 AM)CorruptTurret Wrote: [ -> ]That's not a Unity game. It's Euphoria. Dunno why you'd use Unity Studio on it (do you mean AssetStudio? Nobody's used that name for over a year now).
.bof just means it's an xz-formatted compressed file. You can tell just by looking at the first four bytes. 7zip and other programs will open them with no problem.

When I tried using 7zip, it gave me an error saying it couldn't be opened as an archive. What other programs can open it?
Couldn't get WinZip to do it, and xz doesn't recognize it either, so anyone else know how to do it with Windows? If not, I have a friend with a Mac who might do it for me.
Well, I can change them from bof to atc files with xz, but I can't find anything that opens it. AutoCAD recognizes it, but not as a 3D model. It's almost like Euphoria doesn't want you to open their files (fun fact: from what I can find they pretty much don't). Can xz convert atc files to anything else? Can any program do it? If not, then oh well.

EDIT: I think I was supposed to use Autodesk Maya to open it. I'll edit this again to confirm.
EDIT 2: Nope, nevermind.
Did you ever figure out how to open them?