Hello. So I used 3D Ripper DX on a game, and when I took a capture, the game froze, and went back to normal, so I thought it was done, but when I looked at the output, nothing came out. Can anyone help please?
(09-12-2019, 07:11 PM)ItsMeGamerAndBFDIer7 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello. So I used 3D Ripper DX on a game, and when I took a capture, the game froze, and went back to normal, so I thought it was done, but when I looked at the output, nothing came out. Can anyone help please?
What game is it?3DRipperDX only works on games that use Direct X 9 or 8, anything above that it won't work on 90% of games that released after 2008 since DX 10 came out in 2007, its probably good to use the end of 2008 as the end of games that use DX9 officially.
Any game thats 5-6 years old is going to be using Direct X 11 too, which also won't work with the ripper.
I tried using it on LEGO Star Wars II.