I thought to start up a project to sprite the enemies and characters from Final fantasy 7 into FF custom styled sprites.
Anyone who wants to help with the project use this site as your reference to enemies (you'll have to navigate the side panel to get to the other enemies, bosses, etc)
STYLE - Custom
SHADING - All types except 8-bit
SIZE - Size chart coming soon (any help appreciated)
All help appreciated
(01-09-2009, 08:16 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]No requests are allowed
No no.
This person is starting to rip the sprites,
and simply asking anyone if they'd like to join in.
Carry on.
(01-09-2009, 09:01 PM)ninspriterx Wrote: [ -> ] (01-09-2009, 08:16 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]No requests are allowed
No no.
This person is starting to rip the sprites,
and simply asking anyone if they'd like to join in.
Carry on.
No i am spriting FF7 stuff and asking people to join.

I AM 15 Turnin 16 in july
(01-10-2009, 12:20 AM)liam543 Wrote: [ -> ]No i am spriting FF7 stuff and asking people to join.
Ok mister 9 year old.
Then show us your sprites so we know you have proof your going to work on it.
Yet again it's the password reason but also it's 5

0am so probably a few hours I have got something that's a wip so I will put it up then

(01-10-2009, 01:36 PM)liam543 Wrote: [ -> ]Yet again it's the password reason but also it's 5
0am so probably a few hours I have got something that's a wip so I will put it up then 
This is an in battle base of the attack sqaud soldier (Extrta shading coming soon!) as you can see it is a WIP
Other poses will be attacks (Smoke Bullet, Grenade, Machine Gun)
Overworld sprites (FF6 style or custom style still haven't decided)
Hurt and death poses
![[Image: ff7soldierattacksquadrb3.png]](http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/3610/ff7soldierattacksquadrb3.png)
That's not a bad start, might need to mess with the colours though.
And if you're 11, well I'm impressed.
Thank chris. Anyone wanna help out then?
I AM 15 NOT 7, 9 OR 11!!!
People, leave Liam543 alone! He's freaking 15! Not six, nor 7 nor 8 nor 9 nor 10 or 11! Just stop picking on him already! >=(
You guys are really lowering his reputation really bad. Stop it.
Thankyou SonicChrono. You guys neg rate for the shittiest reasons
I used the conditional. Have you done any progress/ cleaned up your work or done any more?
I am having trouble with shading... never been that good at it
EDIT: Here is the colour scheme i want but I suck bad at shading as said above
Can someone please give me some pointers on shading?
Now the problem you're encountering is that FF7 is a 3D game where there aren't many textures, plus the lighting is quite subdued.
The models are primitive, so you'll need to use some of your own imagination. For now your mouse/eye coordination and accuracy needs a bit of practice, so get your paper out and start sketching, and especially from a model!
Ah, I've made an edit, because I could see a few problems you didn't sort out:
![[Image: ff7soldierattacksquadcjps1.png]](http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/5439/ff7soldierattacksquadcjps1.png)
For shading, think where the light comes from: is it strong? Weak? Close? Far? What colour? Are there several? etc.
Draw the lightsource if necessary.