11-26-2019, 12:04 AM
Hello. I am a bit surprised that sounds from NiGHTS: Into Dreams were ripped, but not from Journey of Dreams. Is there any way to do this? I believe that the sounds are stored in the archive.arc file.
$name = "PJN_voices";
$hex = bin2hex(file_get_contents("$name.afs"));
$adxs = explode("80000024", $hex);
$i = 0;
exec("mkdir -p $name");
foreach ($adxs as $adx) {
$adx = "80000024$adx";
file_put_contents("$name/" . sprintf('%03d', $i) . ".adx", hex2bin($adx));
exec("wine ~/spriters/maw/vgmstream-master/test.exe ~/spriters/njod/out2/DATA/files/hugeData/$name/" . sprintf('%03d', $i) . ".adx -o ~/spriters/njod/out2/DATA/files/hugeData/$name/" . sprintf('%03d', $i) . ".wav");
exec("rm $name/*.adx");
exec("fdupes -rdN $name");
$handle = fopen("files.txt", "r");
$i = 1;
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$line = trim($line);
exec("mv PJN_voices/" . sprintf('%03d', $i) . ".wav PJN_voices/$line.wav");