Wondering if anyone has managed to rip Davy Jones out of either Kingdom Hearts 3 or the XBOX version of At World's End, and if I could perhaps have access to it.
I tried. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much interest. I follow the DA group XNALara-Customized on DA and they have plenty of KH3 models. Sadly, no Jones

(12-12-2019, 12:29 AM)Tabuu Forte Akugun Wrote: [ -> ]I tried. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much interest. I follow the DA group XNALara-Customized on DA and they have plenty of KH3 models. Sadly, no Jones 
I see that they have recently unpacked Tia Dalma, so perhaps there is hope yet, but it will be a serious shame if someone doesn't give the world Davy Jones. I'd do it myself if I only had the technical knowledge, and game files, of course.