I also made this topic in MFGG but I feel like posting it here also.
I am making a little game and I made a couple of sprites for it.
I already know from a lot of other people that I have errors on it like the shading and the walking animation for the main character ChoChoMan but it is always nice to ask for C+C so I can make it better.
This is all the sprites so far that I made for all the worlds including some items.
In world 1 you can see that I made a room for entering a house and a background for it.
The life bar for the game.
The Main Character name ChoChoMan. The walking animation and jumping ones are horrible I will re fix it later in the future.
This is one of the NCP in the game so far.
These are some of enemies in the game so far.
And here are some Mockups in the game.
![[Image: FunPlay9.png]](http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z86/Hellbornxx/FunPlay9.png)
I like your style, but from the mockups you've made I noticed that everything seems to be on the same depth, which makes everything look cluttered. Some of those sketchy lines that are seen on the sun and moon could also be applied to tiles or background elements. Your ground tiles loop (a bad thing

) and I don't know if it were intentional but the sun's got a shadow 0_o. The HUD and some stuff lacks a little contrast, for example the main character (I didn't notice him at first

), who's supposed to be the most important thing of the game, the houses and the crates, and the ghost town needs a bit more contrast (it's dark plus there's not much contrast, so low readability).
I'm looking forward to some more!
Good luck!
light usually comes from the sky, not the ground so your darker values would be on the bottom
Even though there are some obvious things wrong with it, I LOVE your style. It's what I want to do: Make a bunch of items, characters, and stuff that look badly drawn, but when they're all brought together they look great.
I can't seem to do that.
Thanks for the c+c I will work on it on Monday and give you a update on Friday.
See, I told ya you'd get called out for the shading.
Chris hit the nail on the head. The only things really 'wrong' with it are the lack of contrast between what's in the background and what's in the foreground, and the odd, lowered light source.
I do think that you should try to make your colors more consistent: Sometimes they're saturated and bright, other times they're grayer and darker.
Also, the NPC should have a curved bottom instead of the straight diagonal lines. The rectangular ghosts also look awkward.
I'm impatient to see more, Flame! Especially if you've made them better!
Well I was working on the snow level today even though the shading and everything is wrong.
I can show you guys tomorrow or Friday.
Today I also worked on the shadowing and the Character.
So is it better?
![[Image: Test-2.png]](http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z86/Hellbornxx/Test-2.png)
I made these after your guys crits..
I tested the background and see what I could of made it more unflat.. So did it work?
![[Image: FunPlay14.png]](http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z86/Hellbornxx/FunPlay14.png)
Sorry for the double post.
default mspaint ice blue
not good
edit- It works on that one enemy and possibly the sky, but not the buildings, or the ground and trees
Haha, I like this style, it's pretty cool. Nice job.
You still haven't made background sprites look any different than the main (main character, enemies, things that block your path) sprites.
Maybe try giving background sprites a gray outline? Dulling their colors might work as well. Maybe even removing background objects' outlines altogether would work.
Vipe - I didn't know it was default since I went to the custum palette and looked for a icey blue color.
Omega - kay, I will do that right now.
Today I just added a snowy hill for the background on the snowy hill level but the hill looks kind of horrible.
I will post it after I put the gray outlines.