I will give you a hint by saying it is NOT me... So I guess I am back on tsr. I didn't want to return due to all the "new" people, but I got bored and decided to check this place out again.

Welcome man! I've wondered where you've been! (besides sheezy

I was avoiding rejoining here so I could try to have some options in my life. That didn't work too well...
Hello Rakia, are we still friends? It is either that or this is supposed to be an awkward moment.
Looks like you got your hands on a real trouble maker Ninspriter...
(01-11-2009, 07:17 PM)soulcaliburfan Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like you got your hands on a real trouble maker Ninspriter...
I'll make sure to be gentile and work my way down slowly.
You have always known me so well, Nin


I sure have been receiving a pleasant welcome this time around. Thank you all.
Welcome back! You haven't missed...much.
I remember you
Welcome back! =D
to A.J.
I figured I didn't. It looks like tsr just came back up recently...
to Solink
if you hadn't remembered me, I wouldn't have been to happy of a camper :].
Bah, it's you! [/Plok reference]
Welcome back, soulcaliburfan!