Once again, sorry for double posting but I made yet another update. Squirtle's tail is longer, Cyndaquil's head is smaller and Charmander is new to the squad. Looks like I'm making 1 new Pokemon everyday. I'll be finished next year then ;p. Enjoy!
Wow, all this time I had it in my had that he walked on four legs.
Carry on.
(01-14-2009, 08:09 PM)omegakyogre Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, all this time I had it in my had that he walked on four legs.
Carry on.
Yeah, I'm bad with 4 legged walking. If anyone noticed, I didn't do make a 4 legged Pokemon yet. I started with Bulbasaur but I'm struggling with making it's side view good. I'll expect some high critism when I deciede to put it here. Has anyone guessed what Pokemon is next yet? I'll give you a hint, it's the same type as Bulbasaur...
i really like the charmander
can you do vulpix, ninetales, eevee and evos please
Alright, twilightvixen, I added those to my To-Do list.
I updated the first post mainly because I want to fix Bulbasaur before I move on. Critism on it is APRECIATED!!! You'll see that some of the sprites were removed and this is because I'm currently moving the sprites so the sheets will be organized by Generation.
Apparantly, your last 3 are placed on a different way.
(01-17-2009, 05:24 PM)KillerAslox Wrote: [ -> ]Apparantly, your last 3 are placed on a different way.
Yes, I noticed this. I forgot to change it before I uploaded. It'll be changed either tommmorow or when Bulbasaur is changed.
The one next that you will make is Treecko.
Guessed Right?
Oh, awesome work, guy.
Continue making this, i loved them.
(01-17-2009, 07:07 PM)Mad Infernape Wrote: [ -> ]The one next that you will make is Treecko.
Guessed Right?
Oh, awesome work, guy.
Continue making this, i loved them.
Correct. It is almost finished but im not sure how people will judge the side view as the tail isn't perfect.
And since you username reminded me, I just wanted to say that since I can't load properly on my Platinum Rom, I'm gonna have to wait to get the Sinnoh starters as I'm probably gonna ask someone who ripped them if I could use them there and then I'll give them credit. I would appreciate if someone could help me out with my Rom problem though, whenever I load, the screen turns black and it stays like that and that's it, nothing else happens.
I updated the first post. All of the sprite I have done so far are there and they are all split up into Generations now. Also, welcome Treecko!
Can anyone guess the next Pokemon? Each sheet has a different Pokemon. You can only guess which one I will finish first.

awsome u rock
Here's what I think so far:
Squirtle could use a bigger tail,
Jigglypuff should be more like a circle,
Cyndaquil could use a smaller head,
Treeko's left/right poses head looks kinda flat and his tail is horizontal on the left/right, and vertical on his up/down.
(01-18-2009, 03:31 PM)KillerAslox Wrote: [ -> ]Here's what I think so far:
Squirtle could use a bigger tail,
Jigglypuff should be more like a circle,
Cyndaquil could use a smaller head,
Treeko's left/right poses head looks kinda flat and his tail is horizontal on the left/right, and vertical on his up/down.
The whole Squirtle and Cyndaquil bothers me because other people said that and I made the change and then you read it, think I didn't and agree. I won't do anything with Jigglypuff since it is the official sprite, ripped from D/P and I'll do something with Treecko.
I'll change Squirtle and/or Treecko if someone else says something about it.
Well about Jiggly you can't do anything.
Aslo, Koffing, Chikorita and Mudkip (YAY!).
Hey! Sorry to jump in, but could you do these?
There one of my favorites!