Hi guys.
As you can see I'm new in this Board and i was surprised and happy that "spriters-resource" is still actual.
I opened this topic because im frustrated about a sheet that i can't find.
I'm sure i saw it a few days ago on spriters-resource but unfortunately i can't say which game it was. I was sure it was from the "Tales of Eternia" or "Tales of Destiny" series. As it seems it wasn't.
The sprite sheet looked like this:
It shows a very small mountain path. It was grassy and the sheet had, as i remember, a mountain background.
I hope it is the right place to post. Sorry for my bad english by the way,
it's not my native language. I would be very thankful if someone can help me to find this sprite.
Greetz from the LostSoul.
Quote:6. Don't just request for Sprites.
If there is anything that Tony the Tiger ever taught me, it's that you have to earn your stripes. If you want someone to help you, help them first. Scratch a back to receive the same back. But don't expect a request to be fulfilled just because of what you've done for people before. You are never in charge of what people make or rip, no matter the case.
Sorry bro, no requesting for sprites.
With the recent update in the tSR website, all of the custom sprites on the board aren't up right now, if it was a custom sheet.
Although, you might be able to PM one of the staff members to see if they know what happened to the sprites.
At first, thank you for the fast answer.
If I understand this rule right, it is not frobidden to request sprites. I just don't have to expect help from anyone, or am I wrong?
Quote:With the recent update in the tSR website, all of the custom sprites on the board aren't up right now, if it was a custom sheet.
I hope in this case it is like you explained it.

Is there a date, when the update will be done completely and all the sprites are up again?
Quote:Although, you might be able to PM one of the staff members to see if they know what happened to the sprites.
How can I recognize staff members? I ask because lot of user's here have a cutom degree, like yours is: "Alcoholic Beverage".
If anyone of my questions is hard to understand, i will try my best to rephrase it.
If you want to request, do it in the spam haul :/
Quote:If I understand this rule right, it is not forbidden to request sprites. I just don't have to expect help from anyone, or am I wrong?
Quote:6. Don't just request for Sprites.
Quote:Is there a date, when the update will be done completely and all the sprites are up again?
Dazz said "a couple of months [from now];" other than that, there is no definite date.
Quote:How can I recognize staff members? I ask because lot of user's here have a custom degree, like yours is: "Alcoholic Beverage".
Click the big Spriter's Resource button in the upper left-hand corner of this webpage, then scroll down to the bottom of the main forum page it takes you to. In the lower left hand corner of the forum you'll see a link in the midst of a few others called "Forum Team." Clicking this link will take you to a page which contains the administrators and moderators of the forum.
I feel like Tech Support.
EDIT: Wes beat me to it. But hey: My way builds character.
Hey, everyone else has said it, but of course you know by now NOT to request sprites- if you have someone in mind you might wanna ask, PM them! Nothing's stopping you!