A sort of project of working on, spriting the cast of The Beatles Yellow Submarine.
Starting out with one of my personal favorites, Blue Meanies!
Sorry for the lack of poses so far, I'm working on running though.
If anyone would like to join in this project, feel free to. There is no particular style, but the sprites should all blend together. I'll also be needing a Pepperland tile set which I may be working on soon.
Enjoy, and remember, Blue Meanies only take
NO for an answer!
good start. love to see more. especially the rest of the blue meanies. many had very little screen time
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, bashed by blue meanies.
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, bashed by blue meanies.
I have never seen the cast of the yellow submarine except this guy, but he looks cool, good luck with the rest.
Is the bobbing up and down too drastic? Oh, and I added one of the whale creatures from the sea of monsters.
Apple bonkers, man.
It would really help if there were references. I like the style a lot (reminds me of book illustrations from when I was little). Nothing to say because I can't compare, and I can't give more advice.
Anyway, can't wait to see more!
The chief himself!
I'm not too pleased with his hands, plus I just noticed I forgot to add his spurs.
I suggest you move the top half his right (our left) arm to the left.
Oh, and ignore the character to the right, he has nothing to do with Yellow Submarine.
Ah, I haven't seen it yet! Nice stuff, though it lacks shading, unless this is the style being used.
There is no specific style, but I guess the style does lack shading on account of my poor shading abilities.
Yeah, move the arm a bit more and take a bit more of that arm to move it.
I'd love to see references for all these

Aha, thanks! I remember that vid, it freaked the crap out of me when I was small O_o
I think you should put a black outline on the sprites. I don't think you need any shading on these. Remember that the chief has got big hands with no extensions too; yeah, all I can say is add an outline plus make the hands bigger and better for the Blue Meanies.