07-03-2020, 05:10 AM
I never had the chance to learn to animate using sfm for a variety of reasons. But now that I had the time, i've been lurking old post around these forums, and holy hell, just about everything has been covered lol. I really haven't had the chance to make a post yet because mostly all of my questions have already been answered years prior! This past month I've been learning how to animate in 3d, and my god, it's so much more than moving a some limbs and calling it a day! I probably spent more hours on blender than I did on sfm lol. Anyways, here's my first animation I made that took me a whole 2 months to make! I was inspired by those codec calls from metal gear solid you'd get from colonel Campbell during the end of MGS2. I mixed two of my favorite games together an voila!