Nice, though he looks a little fore-head heavy!

(Big Waddle Dee, I mean.)
I updated the sprite
How does it look? I need feedback fast so I know if its okay and I can start animating it.
![[Image: adelineattempt5copy.png?t=1233182364]](
She looks like she's standing too much on her heels.... perhaps just scoot her head forward a pixel? I think that should fix it. Also, her cheek seems to jut out too sharply. I think you should make it either rounder, or flatter.

And then it should be good, at least, as far as I'm concerned.
Ok, hair animations... check!
![[Image: kssuswordmatter4animatiuo8.png]](
![[Image: kssuswordmatteranimatiotl3.gif]](
Although, it didn't turn out as good as I was trying to get.

What do you guys think?
Also, should I animate the shoulder pads at all?
And, spiky hair! And fixed his blue thing-a-ma-jig, to look more like cloth, and not a plastic tube! Yay!

Im not so sure about the head part, because now she looks like shes leaning too much forward. But, here it is.
![[Image: adelineattempt6copy.png?t=1233192275]](
omg that darkmatter or sword matter guy is like EPIC!
Adeline or whatever his/her name is looks good but the left (our left) cheek looks a bit streched out.
@ Baegal
You're so right... hm... maybe move the head back, and see if moving the legs back one pixel as well will help. If it doesn't, just put the head back where it used to be; it didn't look bad that way, I was just being picky!
...and, did you fix her cheek?
@ Zackattack888
Thanks! Glad you like it!

And, yeah, it's Sword Matter... which reminds me to put a name up there.

And I agree with you, her cheek seems a little stretched out.

oh, i thought you meant the pink part! I'll fix it Right away!
Thanks for the support!
I think it's that the ripple is constant. It doesn't start at the trim in the front.
Looks good, Zack! Just a few things, though.
In my opinion, I think you should shade more on the top of his head (the pointy part) to make it look more rounded, and move his eyes up a little, and make them rounder. (his eyes look a little tall.

) Also, eliminate that pixel right above his tail, so it looks like his body is rounder, and doesn't 'morph' into tail.

Also, maybe make his tail a little longer/pointier... And that's about it! lol
@ Baegal
No prob!
Agh, I post too slowly. Baegal, I don't really see anything wrong with the shading... maybe the only thing you could fix is making the shading on the dress go farther up the back. Make sure the slope of the shade is curved, though!

im postin this again because i dont know if it came out.
Here it is.
I really think i need help with shading...
![[Image: adelineattempt7.png?t=1233194286]](