(02-20-2009, 09:36 AM)MooMooMaMoo Wrote: [ -> ]Dark Matter (Normal form, sword form)
Master Kirby
Power Stomach
Enemies from the previous games(I don't know if you can just claim ALL of them, so I'm sure you can do one)
All of Kirby 64 `-`
Those have been taken. :o
Pon and con are taken by me though, because i quit on adeline
(02-20-2009, 09:36 AM)MooMooMaMoo Wrote: [ -> ]Dark Matter (Normal form, sword form)
Master Kirby
Power Stomach
Enemies from the previous games(I don't know if you can just claim ALL of them, so I'm sure you can do one)
All of Kirby 64 `-`
Those have been taken. :o
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff taken, PK's doing Pitch and Rick if I'm not mistaken, and I'm also doing Needle.
Heh, you're right, Hammer. I just remembered KSSU isn't an original game! (it just slipped my mind, for a sec... lol)
But, yeah, they should've added him. Then I could defeat True Arena with three Kirbys!

(02-20-2009, 05:55 PM)AgentLym Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: sworddarkballgrowlg1.gif]](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5298/sworddarkballgrowlg1.gif)
![[Image: sworddarkballvv2.gif]](http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/793/sworddarkballvv2.gif)
![[Image: sworddarkball2xb5.gif]](http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4143/sworddarkball2xb5.gif)
Maybe make the ball grow slower? Or you could make it grow kinda like a bubble does...
Also, I'm not sure why they'd want to put Tornado in KSSU. It's a rather cheap ability, and they'd also have to come up with another new partner.
the tornado is very blocky.
![[Image: Pie1.png]](http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp322/GlassGecko/Sprites/Pie1.png)
Well,here is the pie form.Took alot longer than expected. x.x
(02-21-2009, 12:19 PM)Fernando110900 Wrote: [ -> ]I've experimented with the tornadoes and I've only gotten this far, any ideas?
![[Image: Tornadoes.png]](http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv260/fernando110900/Tornadoes.png)
For starters, you can make it less blocky.
Here's NiD's.
(02-21-2009, 01:18 AM)Fernando110900 Wrote: [ -> ]I already started working on it but I would love to work on something else with you
Here's how far I am with tornado kirby, any suggestions?
![[Image: kirby1.png]](http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv260/fernando110900/kirby1.png)
The tornado itself is too big and doesn't look like it's a hat.
try to start with MK's tornado
![[Image: srm.png]](http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8537/srm.png)
[/img]here is torch kirby pallete, not in the game, from torkirby.
(02-21-2009, 04:59 PM)Fernando110900 Wrote: [ -> ]I tried to fix up the tornadoes, tell me if they are any better
![[Image: Tornadoes-1.png]](http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv260/fernando110900/Tornadoes-1.png)
If not I'll Use plan B
If you mean the second one, it looks absolutely amazing!
If you mean the first... um... you may want to consider making it more like the second?
Oh, and as for Tornado Kirby himself... I notice you changed his color. (or my colorblindness is screwing with me again.) It's a nice touch, but I recommend something lighter, like a bluish white.
He didn't make the second tornado, he probably took it from the Whispy's Revenge sheet.
And bluewdoo, you're simply recoloring the same sprite, anybody can do that, it shouldn't be a sheet.
(02-22-2009, 12:40 AM)Fernando110900 Wrote: [ -> ]I experimented using Whispy's Tornado, tell me what you guys think. I also added the name and ability image.
That is seriously awesome! If you would like my help on this, remember, I'm here. Just PM me if you ever need some help.
![[Image: gooeywalking.gif]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/kaabii_01/gooeywalking.gif)
![[Image: gooey-11.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/kaabii_01/gooey-11.png)
Gooey walking update!
and if someone could help me with spike, I would be very great full.
![[Image: gooey-12.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/kaabii_01/gooey-12.png)
Duck finished!
(02-22-2009, 08:11 AM)platinumhorns103 Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: gooeywalking.gif]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/kaabii_01/gooeywalking.gif)
![[Image: gooey-11.png]](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/kaabii_01/gooey-11.png)
That looks bad. You desperately need to smooth out those outlines and the shading. His tongue is also out-of-style; It needs a black outline + anti-aliasing. In general, the whole thing needs a lot more anti-aliasing (for instance, the edges of his eyes and mouth) to better match the style.
Also, Tornado Kirby's walking sprites appear to have been shoddily pasted together. Historically speaking, as well, the tornado should be white and shouldn't be so solid; Use Squeak Squad's Tornado Kirby as a reference.
Sheets for this project aren't little projects that are quick and easy to complete
well. If you aren't going to spend the time to make quality material, don't sprite for the project. Asking for style assistance and C&C is one thing, but don't try to post hastily created work as finalized.