You can't really use the eight-bit games for height comparisons in this project, seeing how the heights of the characters in those games were caused mostly by the sprite restrictions. Dedede is a good example of this; in the 8-bit games he was exactly twice the height of Kirby, but in KSSU he's two and a half times Kirby's height.
It is a better idea, therefore, to instead figure to use your own judgement and figure out which character in KSSU the character you're trying to create would match in size best. In the case of Ice Dragon, I would assume that he is
at least the same size as Dedede.
Also, and this is a personal preference, I would change his angle about 15 degrees or so instead of having him look straight forward. Come to think of it, there aren't many characters that look straight forward in the Kirby series; it's odd that they did that to him.
(01-23-2009, 11:40 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Say Drshnaps. I don't think the ability stars should have outlines. Stars you inhale never had bkack outlines in Kirby games.
I could rattle off a list of titles to prove you wrong, but that would be pointless seeing as you're obviously talking about the most recent titles in the franchise. That aside, though, I actually did experiment first with giving them no outline or different colored outlines, but in the end I decided to go against it for three reasons:
1) These are meant to be physical objects, not just projectiles made of energy. They can be picked up, dropped, thrown, kicked around, etc. etc. The black outline emphasizes the object's solidity
2) The stars that appear with the yellower outlines in the other games appear that way because they are supposed to look like they are radiating light. The stars in Kirby 64, however, do not glow at all. Heck, one of the stars are
solid black for Pete's sake; you can't get any less glowing than that. The closest they come to having any light is the rings that spin around them, and you'll notice I didn't put any black lines around those.
3) Every other way I attempted just plain looked bad. Okay, maybe not "bad" but just not as good.