Hello all,
I've decided to revise my old Mega Man sheet/create a new one using the style/proportions of Mega Man 11. I've created the idle sprite, but something seems...off. I'm not sure whether it's the proportions, shading, or anything else, but the sprite seems just a little off. It's almost as if it's "puffy", but maybe I'm over-analyzing. What should I change about it, if anything?
The shape of it looks fine, although, the eyes look a little off. Maybe you can try adding blue around the black part of his pupil like this picture:
The mouth might also need a grey pixel on the left (our left, his right).
Anyways, I hope this is helpful! And have a Merry Christmas!
After some tweaking of the legs, shading, and saturation, I think it looks a lot better. Now my focus is on the face, as it almost seems like Mega Man looks sad. I've done some experimentation, but without altering the shape of the entire head, I'm not sure what I can do.
Well, Rock actually has a nose now, as well as better face shading and outlined forelimbs. I've decided to stick with the face and try some expressions, but I'm struggling a little with the mouth.
Mega Man looks much better with the new colors and the improved shading, and his eyes look much better as well.
There's one thing I'll point out though: His angry expressions might look a little better if his eye-lids cover the grey pixel on his eye, like this:
That's just me though, but I thought I'd point that out.
Anyways, everything else is looking great so far!

(12-27-2020, 09:20 PM)DogToon64 Wrote: [ -> ]Mega Man looks much better with the new colors and the improved shading, and his eyes look much better as well.
There's one thing I'll point out though: His angry expressions might look a little better if his eye-lids cover the grey pixel on his eye, like this:
That's just me though, but I thought I'd point that out.
Anyways, everything else is looking great so far! 
Thanks, I've cleaned up the rest of the faces as well.
Finally the walk animation is done!...Sort of. The limbs look smooth enough, but I feel like the head needs work. I've made two animations--one with the head facing one direction (like in Mega Man 11) and another with the head turning as he walks (like in Mega Man 7 and Mega Man X). I'm not sure which is better, or if I need to do something else entirely.
Fixed shading on the back leg, and I've officially chosen the head-turning walk cycle as the one I will use. The first shooting sprite is done as well, so things are looking good.
Here is everything that I've made so far. Any thoughts or recommendations?
One thing I'd suggest is to add a frame for the throwing animation that has his left arm and hand (our right) look like he's about to throw something. Like when he's about to use his Metal Blade attack in Super Smash Bros for Wii U & 3DS, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
Like this:
(You might want to set the video speed to 0.5)
Finally! It's about time I post here again. Despite droughts of lack of motivation, I've managed to finish Mega Man's slide, hurt, and climbing sprites, as well as some Mega Buster effects. As far as I know, the only thing left is the teleport sprites and maybe an idle animation and Super Mega Man.
You know, these aren't bad, BUT the animations for stuff like moving his arm on the ladder could be better with some slow-in slow-out. It's where you add a few frames to the beginning and ending of an action and leave the middle of the motion with as few frames as possible. It makes the motion flow better. Also, there's momentum to consider. When something moves quickly then comes to a sudden stop, the object want to keep moving for a bit (for a frame) before snapping back to the halted frame. Hope that helps!
(01-28-2021, 08:41 PM)SmithyGCN Wrote: [ -> ]You know, these aren't bad, BUT the animations for stuff like moving his arm on the ladder could be better with some slow-in slow-out. It's where you add a few frames to the beginning and ending of an action and leave the middle of the motion with as few frames as possible. It makes the motion flow better. Also, there's momentum to consider. When something moves quickly then comes to a sudden stop, the object want to keep moving for a bit (for a frame) before snapping back to the halted frame. Hope that helps!
Thanks for the recommendation! I've revised the sprites, and it looks a lot better.
You did good, sir.