04-05-2021, 12:45 AM
Hello there everyone. Just wanted to greet myself here since it's my first time being here and wish to request something. In the past, I've been browsing around for good models for myself to use, but couldn't find nor get the ones that haven't been rigged yet for years. A few being from this Final Fantasy game here: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_compu...alfantasy/ that are named the Quacho Queen & Ifreeta, which haven't been rigged nor ported here, or on programs like mmd, sfm, xps at all. I've been searching around the web for such models of them, like DeviantArt, but found nothing. I even asked others from there if they could somehow get it, but throughout the waiting, still no word.
So, I thought of signing up here for extra help in getting these models and maybe the rest of the 3D models from W.O.F.F. if possible to anyone's skills in rigging & porting. If anyone can do so, please let me know whenever you can as I shall wait for a response about this. Hope to hear from someone here of 'em.