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Full Version: Data extraction (models, etc.) from Arc the Lad R & Star Ocean Anamnesis [Mobile]
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Hello to all you good people! Quick moment of appreciation for these wonderful resources, truly my alert sounds and various background pictures have been all the better thanks to them. Smile

Ok, moving on, I've had an unfortunate though perhaps unsurprising discovery: quite a few mobile games will be shutting down around June, which wouldn't be anything terribly unusual, except that they're games I had been actively playing!  Very Sad  Before their respective demises, I was hoping to try my hand at datamining. Now I'd really appreciate some help with this, since I've hit a few hurdles.

The games in question: "Star Ocean Anamnesis" and "Arc the Lad R", both Japanese releases. SOA had a rather rough and short-lived existence as a global release a few years back, and Arc R is allegedly getting a global release in May (though I sort of wonder if that will end up happening, based upon its source getting canned? :/).

Looking over my actual data (eg. what's saved on my end), Star Ocean has only "cache" and "files" that appear empty. So, I'm guessing that it's all done remotely. Meanwhile, Arc the Lad R looks to have actual content in its respective "cache" and "files" (looks to be running with Unity, and using Criware, based on naming?), however I'm not sure how much is actually there and whether I could access anything with something like UABE (there's a whole lot of files, such as "area_101", "b_chara_image", and "pict_3dmap"  with the type... "file" and not much else).

Searches concerning Star Ocean bring up a few options, mostly using Nox emulator for starters, however I have been unsuccessful using this route and believe it may not be possible anymore due to a 32/64-bit conflict. I'm also not sure what sort of engine it's using, if that would factor into the best approach. And if there are more/missing items from Arc R, I'm not sure how I could access those, either.

Really sorry about the wall-of-texting here, but I'm happy to offer any further information that could assist in this endeavor. Thanks a bunch!
Just stumbled upon this thread and saw that you were looking for help with data extraction for Star Ocean Anamnesis and Arc the Lad R. It's a bummer that these games are no longer available, but I totally get the desire to keep some of that content alive. I see that you've run into some issues with extracting the data yourself, but have you tried using a service like They might be able to help you get your hands on the files you need. I'm not an expert in this stuff, but I hope this suggestion helps! Good luck with your data-mining adventures.