How about each mod has a date a week (or even two) to update on. Then we'd know where our next fix of submissions could come from. I could think of a few pros and cons for this. Pros, like said, we'd know when they were coming and maybe there could be a thread with upcoming ones on, ie. Thursay 15th: Dazz- KSSU Rips
Or not.

I think it's nice to to just go to TSR and find an update because you don't know what will be in the update or when it will be so it's more of a surprise and you're restricting it to one game.
I doubt this will happen. Tsr has enough staff to get regular updates. Defining a schedule just leads to complaints when a date or time isn't met.
As far as I know of only 3 people update. Dazz, Ton, and RTB. We don't have a lot of people who do the updates but they get done often enough that only having 3 people isn't an issue.
As someone who used to be an updater, i'd have to say I would disagree with a schedule for updates. The site isn't their full time jobs, so they don't have to adhere to it. and if they miss their scheduled days, like BAB said, it just leads to unnecessary problems. The site is fine as is with its random updates.
If you need a forth person I'm all yours.
(01-25-2009, 02:18 PM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know of only 3 people update. Dazz, Ton, and RTB. We don't have a lot of people who do the updates but they get done often enough that only having 3 people isn't an issue.
Speaking of which, I haven't tried the new system and I'm afraid of messing something up, someone mind filling me in?
A scedule would take away the fun and surprise of the site.