07-04-2022, 08:35 AM
It's been years since I've made a sprite ripping thread... and will be the last one too.
Basically anything that is not already on a project thread will be here (excluding small rips such as title screens and stuff).
Aguri Suzuki F1 Super Racing (Game Boy)

Despite the name, it's half F1 game and half karting game. I'm surprised that this hasn't got translated since it is one of the better racing games on the OG Game Boy.
Hudson Hawk (Amstrad CPC)

Slowly sunsetting away from the computer in terms of rips. There's still a few games on the CPC but focus is elsewhere. Doesn't help that a lot of the desirable games including the ones that Ocean had done are very hard to almost impossible to rip, this is an easier one that they published.
Super Chase H.Q. (Game Boy)

International Karate 2000

This game crashes on mGBA so had to use a different emulator hence the slightly different pallete.
Lupin the Third: Shijou Saidai no Zunousen

Once again I have done a worthless rip...
(Had like the tiles of Goemon for about 3 years or so and only just got around to doing the rip)
Ultra Golf / Konami Golf / Konamic Golf / whatever Konami decides to call their golf game

The reason why all 36 holes aren't done yet is because of animated water tiles. Might seem simple enough except that there are 3 water animations, the first one only triggers at the start. Once it finishes, it changes between 2 and 3 with no way of triggering the animation again. Some of the holes, the water is at the other side and needs scrolling to get there due to the background viewer can only load so much (these are the holes with the white border on top).
Sorted out Dead Heat Scramble showing that even neglected games are getting some love:

Finally to top it off... Elevator Action (Game Boy)

Oh and a classic*

*Sensible Soccer is only considered a classic for the Amiga, to a lesser extent the Mega Drive and Atari ST versions. The other versions are either disliked or forgotten like this Game Boy version.
Would have done a lot more rips however there were a lot of issues, both ripping wise and personal preventing me from such.
A skill that would like to learn though is finding a way to hack for co-ordinates to make it easier for background ripping. It's so these pesky baseball fields, football pitches, the Game Boy Super Off Road tracks and the example above with the Konami game get ripped without worrying of missing a tile/section due to the boundaries or limitations of a background viewer. Very few games have a debug mode (only recall a couple that exist) and only some have the ability to view the area (e.g. Madden NFL 2001 GBC, some golf games).
Basically anything that is not already on a project thread will be here (excluding small rips such as title screens and stuff).
Aguri Suzuki F1 Super Racing (Game Boy)
Course A - Training Course

Course B - Wota UP Course

Course C - Double Delta Course

Course D - Morimori Course

Course E - Saishu Course

F-1 Mode Backgrounds

Despite the name, it's half F1 game and half karting game. I'm surprised that this hasn't got translated since it is one of the better racing games on the OG Game Boy.
Hudson Hawk (Amstrad CPC)
Hudson Hawk

Slowly sunsetting away from the computer in terms of rips. There's still a few games on the CPC but focus is elsewhere. Doesn't help that a lot of the desirable games including the ones that Ocean had done are very hard to almost impossible to rip, this is an easier one that they published.
Super Chase H.Q. (Game Boy)

International Karate 2000

This game crashes on mGBA so had to use a different emulator hence the slightly different pallete.
Lupin the Third: Shijou Saidai no Zunousen

Once again I have done a worthless rip...
(Had like the tiles of Goemon for about 3 years or so and only just got around to doing the rip)
Ultra Golf / Konami Golf / Konamic Golf / whatever Konami decides to call their golf game
Master Course #01

Master Course #02

Master Course #03

Master Course #10

Master Course #11

Master Course #12

The reason why all 36 holes aren't done yet is because of animated water tiles. Might seem simple enough except that there are 3 water animations, the first one only triggers at the start. Once it finishes, it changes between 2 and 3 with no way of triggering the animation again. Some of the holes, the water is at the other side and needs scrolling to get there due to the background viewer can only load so much (these are the holes with the white border on top).
Sorted out Dead Heat Scramble showing that even neglected games are getting some love:
Sandrail / Citron

Offroad Truck / Midgeton

Finally to top it off... Elevator Action (Game Boy)
Agent 17 / Otto


Intermission Sprites

Oh and a classic*

*Sensible Soccer is only considered a classic for the Amiga, to a lesser extent the Mega Drive and Atari ST versions. The other versions are either disliked or forgotten like this Game Boy version.
Would have done a lot more rips however there were a lot of issues, both ripping wise and personal preventing me from such.
A skill that would like to learn though is finding a way to hack for co-ordinates to make it easier for background ripping. It's so these pesky baseball fields, football pitches, the Game Boy Super Off Road tracks and the example above with the Konami game get ripped without worrying of missing a tile/section due to the boundaries or limitations of a background viewer. Very few games have a debug mode (only recall a couple that exist) and only some have the ability to view the area (e.g. Madden NFL 2001 GBC, some golf games).