Hey everyone! My name is Pasta, and I'm a 3D artist with a passion for Splatoon!
My main reason for joining is to assist Centrixe or whoever else will be porting the Splatoon 3 models to a usable format. I have experience with converting and processing .SZS files, and would love to help out with changing these into .DAE files whenever the ripped files are available.
If anyone wants to contact me, my Discord user is Pasta#3700.
Happy to be here!
Hi, Pasta I'm Kold, nice to meet ya!!
(08-13-2022, 09:02 PM)Kold-Virus Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, Pasta I'm Kold, nice to meet ya!!
Hey Kold, nice to meet you too!

So, I always like meeting people on here!

Splatoon 2 is awesome.
(08-13-2022, 09:08 PM)Kold-Virus Wrote: [ -> ]So, I always like meeting people on here!
Splatoon 2 is awesome.
It sure is, I've been doing 3D art and stuff with it for a while now! Do you do any SFM/Blender stuff with it?
Yeah! I'm making a Smash fangame actually and am using Blender to port animations over!!
(08-13-2022, 09:42 PM)Kold-Virus Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah! I'm making a Smash fangame actually and am using Blender to port animations over!!
Yo, that's awesome! I hope it comes out well

It's coming out great actually! And I tried adding your Discord, and it didn't work

(08-13-2022, 08:51 PM)PastaOwO Wrote: [ -> ]Hey everyone! My name is Pasta, and I'm a 3D artist with a passion for Splatoon!
My main reason for joining is to assist Centrixe or whoever else will be porting the Splatoon 3 models to a usable format. I have experience with converting and processing .SZS files, and would love to help out with changing these into .DAE files whenever the ripped files are available.
If anyone wants to contact me, my Discord user is Pasta#3700.
Happy to be here!
Hey Pasta, I haven't found you discord, but I have a problem porting zip files from the VG resource to SFM, do you know a solution? Best of luck.
Sup, I'm Roeda just joined the group about 20 mins ago so I might get comfortable here cause dunno what to do after that.
I like to drawing and listen to some music what fits the mood, Trying to find the way to make my own games someday but not having much luck due to some reason that I can't explain.
Good to be in the gang!
-Rodea the speedx76
I need some help with extracting the backgrounds from this bffres from new super mario bros deluxe and help is needed i can send you the files im working on a project and I kinda need some help Although I have no experience in anything other than the new super mario series I can try splatoon 3 But if your willing to help me I m greatful