Back in 07 when I was Subomi I started my own lil sidescrolling sprite project thing starring Roserade. After playing legend of princess I started to think back more on the idea and decided to revamp/remake these old sprites.
C+C would be lovely. This is also sorta practice for when I get back to my monster project.(dont think that i abandoned that)
They're really good. Nothing to say apart from you could add a white pixel in each of the first Pokemon sprite (the green plant with yellow face), and cut a bit of the black outline on Mudkip (especially next to his cheeks).
I'd like to hear more about this, if it's in term of gameplay or just stuff you'll add to it.

Thanks, I edited mudkip and budew. Will move on to another pokemon now.
This is great, I love the colors, and the lineart!
really good. The selout works and the colors are vivid.
Post deleted.... Damn... Well...
Good, i love pokémon and you are pretty good, keep working ^^
Is the blue thing a sub-evolution Marril? Some of the black lines can be thinned.
The Pokemon next to it has the same "problems" as I mentioned for that first Pokemon on top.
Anyway, looking good!
'Chris2Balls [:B Wrote:]
Is the blue thing a sub-evolution Marril?
Yeah, Azurril (sp?)
(02-01-2009, 12:15 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Is the blue thing a sub-evolution Marril? Some of the black lines can be thinned.
The Pokemon next to it has the same "problems" as I mentioned for Diglett.
Anyway, looking good!
You never mentioned anything for diglett, and I see absolutely nothing wrong with the newest pokemon so you'll have to be specific on that one :v and yes that is a pre-evo of marill called azurill. The black on the tail is suppose to be that thick, so I'll have to disregard that crit.
Oh yeah :s, just edited it
I meant you should stick in some white pixels in the eyes of that yellow Pokemon.
Chingling doesnt have white in it's eyes....nor does the first one
(02-01-2009, 12:31 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah :s, just edited it
I meant you should stick in some white pixels in the eyes of that yellow Pokemon.
Please don't criticize what you don't understand. It makes you look dumb.

Is there a Roserade sprite then, as you say the sidescroller featured it?