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Full Version: Star Fox 64 3D Texture Ripping (and maybe models)
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Okay, I have been scavaging the internet for the last week trying to find information about this and have come up almost completely empty-handed. I am tired of looking around so I am posting here for the first time. Can anyone help with ripping and cracking the textures (and maybe even the models) from Star Fox 64 3d? The game is nearly twelve years old and the lack of resources from it is appalling. I am trying to get my hands on the boss and enemy models. If I can't get my hands on most of them, I at least would like Gorgon.

Everything is in separate file formats. The textures are in ".texturebin" and ".texturegdb" formats. The models are in ".modelbin" and ".modelgdb" formats. Along with that, each model and texture has a ".resourcemetadata" file that contains things like the formats and names that they were originally in. If anything helps, I did find a Python script that can partially translate the models but they come out broken. 

I know this is an older game and there may not be that much appeal with the OG being decently ripped but please, the sooner these get out, the better. They've been sitting here for far too long with little to no progress and it is about time it gets done. If anyone wants to take a shot at it, I can link a texture for experimenting.
In a similar boat i really want to find out how it works as well, i might just give up on 3D all together and go for just 64, but i dont have a copy of the 64 version to attempt to pull more models from, because i hate how all the models on here lack rigging, i had to redo them myself >.<