That is fucking beautiful. Simple and it works. I can't help but think he's farting everytime the cloak lifts up when he's pushed back though.
For some reason I knew you'd say that.
I think the lower twirl on his cloak could use more movement, it looks too static while everything around it moves.
But yeah, that thing looks good. Although I don't really get what he's doing. Is he shooting something out of that pipe thing?
(02-02-2009, 10:09 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]I think the lower twirl on his cloak could use more movement, it looks too static while everything around it moves.
But yeah, that thing looks good. Although I don't really get what he's doing. Is he shooting something out of that pipe thing?
Correct. I might make the swirl move more, we'll see.
It's subtle, but some of the detail on that metal thing seems to shift and jump around during the course of the animation, especially around the upper back of the thingy. I might juss be nitpicky, so maybe it's nothing though.
Not too bad as always, BAB.
(02-02-2009, 09:12 AM)Badassbill Wrote: [ -> ]For some reason I knew you'd say that.
The animation looks nice, the only thing buggin me is the hand though. Can't really put my finger on it, I think it might be the tips.
I don't understand the way he's holding the cannon thingy. Maybe you should have his hand grab the side. Because right now it looks like it's just stuck inside his armpit. You might also want to add some sort of trigger, to make it more distringuised as a gun instead of a sideways purple test tube like it reminds meof now.
But the shading simply wonderful.
Well, I'm not sure about this, but if that's the design he needs to follow for the game, he can't change the "purple test tube", as you put it.
I agree with EpicWes in that he should be visibly holding the cannon rather than it just floating under his arm. Either his oth hand should be wrapped around the bottom or the one we can see should be moved. Or a combination.

But yeah, fix how he's holding it and it will be pretty damn awesome.

Nice... Whens the release 4 the iphone version? I might trial and review it.
Previous and Epic Wes stated my only complaints with this. Great job BAB.
I dunno, I feel like he should be getting some upwards recoil with a cannon that big.