I want to know if there's a way to rip sprites from the mobile game "Zombie Catchers". Please reply here if you know if there's some way of ripping things from that game. Thank you!

get the .apk file onto any folder on your PC, and then rename the file extension name to .zip (if it doesn't show up for you then search up "how to show file name extension" and you'll get instructions to make it visible)
after you do that, open up the resulting .zip file in 7z or WinRAR (i use WinRAR) and snoop around the files for anything that seems like it has assets in it (sounds, graphics, anything)
(06-15-2023, 10:38 AM)gyroscoperidertoppy Wrote: [ -> ]get the .apk file onto any folder on your PC, and then rename the file extension name to .zip (if it doesn't show up for you then search up "how to show file name extension" and you'll get instructions to make it visible)
after you do that, open up the resulting .zip file in 7z or WinRAR (i use WinRAR) and snoop around the files for anything that seems like it has assets in it (sounds, graphics, anything)
Thank you so much man! It worked like a charm!! I appreciate it a lot, thank you!