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Full Version: 500 Dollar Reward for anyone to provide a complete Sprite pack for Lineage 1
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Just the spirte-sheets, if you're able to extract the rest "painlessly", then animations and sounds as well - but it's not as important as the sheets!

The files should be on internet, as my research have revealed to me that they were around in 2010-2016 era, unfortunately all links are down. There are probably some people with the files however. Otherwise you can try your hand at extracting them from clients and github files available on the internet. There's also a Korean community that probably has them floating, alas I do not know the language - maybe some of you are from Korea?

This is a serious offer. Provide me with proof of what I desire, and you will claim this reward.

I'm sorry, I do not wish to give discord my phone number due to its cataloging practices and false promises of privacy. And a non-VoIP burner-registration is a bit of a headache to get in my homecountry. Not impossible, but takes a bit of effort. If it's not a bannable offense to post a request like this in this section of the forum, then I will take my chances here - at least for now.

Edit 2: If you for some reason manage to find a convoluted extraction process that only allows you to extract sprites 1-by-1, then don't bother extracting everything, I only desire 16 sprite-sheets in total. I will provide a comment with names, and links to pictures down below. Lineage Justice has a client with sprite.pak files. Perhaps you'll be able to extract them as well.
Hi there! The 'official' requests/commissions section has been moved to the Discord at You might have better luck there.
(01-20-2024, 04:51 PM)DesireSprite Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, please read my edit.

This is a comment for those who might feel overwhelmed extracting everything, I only require the following 16 sprites - naturally for you will get paid as if for all of them:

Insolent Zenith Queen -

Succubus -

Division Commander Sinclair -

Dark Elf General -

Iris -

Cougar -

Demon of Varlok -

Grim Reaper -

Dread Queen Laia -

Cerenis -

Ice Demon -

Antharas -

Shadow Justice Barode -

Shadow Justice Tiames -

Varlok -

Headless Horseman -

No, that's fine - I don't use Discord either. I just wasn't sure if you were aware of the move. You're not the only one to post a paid request here in recent times.
I can do it for you but it's gonna take a long time, I can also show you how if you want,

to give you an idea, Antharas sprite has ~800 animation sheets and 800 sheets for its shadow, and each sheet is 4-8 frames
I have extracted all the sprites from the Sprite.pak file and there's like 87000 sprite files inside. Just an obscene amount of sprites, all things considered.
[Image: BaoCGn8.gif]
idk if this helps and I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here, but thought I'd reply to this thread here too just in case you missed my DM.