Well I want:
Custom Robo Wii
Ristar 2
Paper Mario 3
Stafy compilation for DS
A 2.5d Sonic game in the vein of the old games. Side scrolling 3d game, no bullshit gimmicky characters and shit voice acting. Just straight up simple Sonic game play.
A classic styled castlevania. Ooe may have been hard, but I miss the clunky controls and lack of speed.

Starcraft 2 should be on the Wii as well.
(02-06-2009, 09:31 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]Well I want:
Custom Robo Wii
Ristar 2
Paper Mario 3
Stafy compilation for DS

Also a Pulseman remake or something cool
Lylat Wars 2 (Arwing only)
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon 3 for Wii, trash atmosphere ftw.
turgilator Wrote:Starcraft 2 should be on the Wii as well.

(02-07-2009, 08:11 AM)Badbatman3 Wrote: [ -> ]A classic styled castlevania. Ooe may have been hard, but I miss the clunky controls and lack of speed. 
I kind of second that. It would be a great game on wiiware. Just look Megaman 9 :/
Billy Hatcher Wii
Someone had to say it
Starfox Wii. Directly based on Starfox and Starfox64.
Super Metroid "HD" or another 2D Metroid.
They day Tales of Pokémon or Custom Robo Vs. Medabots are made will be the day I stop playing any other game besides those. Customisable RPGs to last a lifetime.
(02-07-2009, 11:04 AM)Lucho Wrote: [ -> ]Also a Pulseman remake or something cool
get baboy on the phone we're startin that shit up again
A new 2D zelda, like legend of princess, but with a large level, and all the real levels are temples. Also, a few more items, like a hammer and bombs.
F-Zero Wii
Another Gunstar Heroes
Some sort of free-roaming fighting game