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Full Version: Checking on submissions
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Hey guys. Just wondering if I can get an update on some of the sounds I've submitted to The Sounds Resource?

For example, I uploaded a complete rip of all sounds from Metroid Fusion, and it's been sitting in my pending box since September 2022. Is there a reason it's taking so long to be approved? I guess it kind of overwrites the old rips, since it's a lot more comprehensive, so it'd be quite an overhaul. But man, it's been almost 2 years lol. I had some Mega Man X DiVE sounds that were submitted and approved in the time the Metroid Fusion sounds have been pending.

I also have the SNES sound effects for Mega Man X3. I know this game already has two sections for the PC port and PlayStation port, which have virtually identical sounds, so it may seem silly to have a third version of X3 on the site. But the SNES version has totally different sounds due to the vast hardware difference. If any of them should have its own separate page, it's the SNES version.

Then I also have some more obscure game sounds, like Mana Khemia and Garfield Caught in the Act. No sweat on those, I guess, I don't think they're in high demand. But the other two pending sounds are for games that are a lot more popular.

I know the approval team is super busy all the time, and I really appreciate all your work. Just seeing if I could get an update.
I mean, there's always the stats page. That's always going to show the total amount of sounds in the queue.
This is about TSR, but it broadly answers your question.