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Full Version: Fire Emblem Fates Texture Help
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Hi there! I'm working on ripping the 3D models and textures from Fire Emblem Fates. Using Ohana3DS Rebirth, FEAT, and the RomFS from the game. (I'll post a full tutorial when I perfect the method) I uploaded Sakura's model for review. It was rejected for this reason: (copy and pasted)

Hi IggyMon,

You're receiving this PM because I'm afraid we have rejected your model of "Sakura (Body)" for "Fire Emblem: Fates" under the console "3DS".

Your model was not accepted for the following reason:

You're lucky I happened to catch this by chance. The transparent texture has had its colors corrupted by Ohana or a similar tool, destroying important texture data. You'll have to find a different tool to rip the textures. Just to clarify, the transparency is good and necessary, but if you look at the RGB colors without alpha, the transparent pixels were turned to pure black.

You're more than welcome to reply or post your model on the forum for advice as to what went wrong. We'd really love it if you did, because it is members such as yourself that are the very reason this website is where it is today. Without a strong community, this website would not even be a fragment of what it is.

Best of luck,

Here's the texture in question:
[Image: 03qWOxl.png]
And I just discovered THIS texture: (with non-broken alpha, and also . . . less dirt?)
[Image: JgtorLP.png]
If someone with a little more expertise in textures could take a look at both of those textures, and point me in the right direction, that would be amazing!

Thank you so much in advance,