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Full Version: First look at the Nintendo Switch 2.discussion.
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So it’s finally here, performing for you. If you know the words, you can join it too.

Jokes aside, what are your thoughts on the first Nintendo Switch 2 trailer?

Here are my two cents;

I personally don’t like the name. Nintendo has never named their sucessor consoles after numbers before, so it feels kinda weird.

I am very hyped for the new Mario Kart. It kinda looks open world to me, but I could be terribly wrong. Saw some people on Reddit claiming the trailer contains something like 24 racers. Donkey Kong has got his Mario Movie design.

I’ve seen some people claim on Reddit that the trailer indicates that the new Joycons will feature a mouse feature and that the trailer basically confirms it.

The next direct which will reveal more details for the upcoming console will take place in April 2nd, apparently. Kinda lame, it will still take a long time.

They will feature preview showcases for their console to normal people on 3 major US cities. If I remember correctly, NYC, LA, and Dallas.

Personally, I am way more excited for the first party games than for the console itself, but I am still hyped for it.

Please share here your thoughts and findings about the trailer and let us discuss.
I'm happy that the switch 2 can play OG switch games. And that's important to me cuz I support #LetsGetPhysical (hashtag for physical games that I like to use, mind you). I do hope we get a list of OG switch games that'll get a next-gen upgrade on Switch 2
I don't like the joycon connectors, looks like they can easily break or bend. Rest seems to be fine, being compatible with OG switch games is nice too.
I'll wait for the games to come out and then decide. The new Mario Kart just looks like 8, nothing special here.
I dont like that Nintendo has finally gone the way of adding a number on the end of their console. The Wii -> Wii U was dangerously close but it seems they've fallen into the trap of starting to count now...
They have to, because I'm pretty sure there will be either a Switch 3 or Nintendo developing games for PC.
There is no additional handheld branch that will save them this time like the DS/3DS did for the Wii U.
Well, i dont understand why that means they couldn't have come up with a more inspired name than slapping a 2 on the end. Heck, they could have added a "Super" on the front, or an "Advance" on the end, would have been a fun little callback for us old folks.