Hi. I don't know if anybody knows me, but I'm known as Daisyfanboy on other forums(mostly GameFAQs I guess). I've been here for a while, but I really never post. Iunno.
Yeah, i'm kinda sorta boring, but I like looking at all of the talent here. It's so good
I wish I was as good as all of you
So yeah...
I'm done now.
Well just don't act like people do on GameFAQs around here.

Way to put yourself down immediately. >>;
Well, welcome to the tSR forums and all that shit.
(02-18-2009, 10:12 AM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Well just don't act like people do on GameFAQs around here. 
Yell at you because you have a different opinion than someone else?
Because that's why I don't go there as much anymore >_>
(02-17-2009, 04:18 PM)Bluenumel Wrote: [ -> ]Hi. I don't know if anybody knows me, but I'm known as Daisyfanboy on other forums(mostly GameFAQs I guess). I've been here for a while, but I really never post. Iunno.
Yeah, i'm kinda sorta boring, but I like looking at all of the talent here. It's so good 
I wish I was as good as all of you
So yeah...
I'm done now.
if you're a daisy fanboy the perfect title for this topic would have been
anyway welcome, most people start by lurking too
so yeah, enjoy your stay okay brother o/
Hello, hope you've had fun here. And you're certainly not the only boring person here.