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This is my first full edited sheet. Not that big, but it's a start. I've edited the general mushroom enemy design (Maple Story) to look like a Poison Mushroom (Super Mario Bros.). I used Dazz's Mushroom sheet, so special thanks go to him.

[Image: poisonmushroomiob0.png]
[Image: poisonmushroomvi5.png]

Please comment!
Edits aren't good. That isn't good. Try doing customs.
(02-20-2009, 07:32 PM)Skink Wrote: [ -> ]Edits aren't good. That isn't good. Try doing customs.

Actually, even though edits aren't good, editing sprites is a good start for any spriter.

My advice is, edit, BUT add. Start with something simple, like giving Mario bunny ears, then go on to editing Mario to become a centaur or something, or first a satire, from which you can progressively evolve him into something completely different from its base.

In fact, the best base to start editing in my opinion still is Mega Man from Marvel vs Capcom. Due to the fact that it comes from a fighting game, it allows for complex edits.

But I do have to hand it to you. The choice in colors and color shades is pretty good. it's not something that's easy. Heck, even I have trouble with picking the right colors.
(02-21-2009, 10:01 AM)GaryCXJk Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, even though edits aren't good, editing sprites is a good start for any spriter.

My advice is, edit, BUT add. Start with something simple, like giving Mario bunny ears, then go on to editing Mario to become a centaur or something, or first a satire, from which you can progressively evolve him into something completely different from its base.

In fact, the best base to start editing in my opinion still is Mega Man from Marvel vs Capcom. Due to the fact that it comes from a fighting game, it allows for complex edits.

But I do have to hand it to you. The choice in colors and color shades is pretty good. it's not something that's easy. Heck, even I have trouble with picking the right colors.

Thanks, and tell me; are there funny little out-of-place coloured pixels in some of the sprites? Because on my computer the sprites look fine, but on another computer they stood out alot.