Hello, Im working on a comic for the sonic stadium. The story is done, characters, sprites, yada yada. I need someone to paste it for me daily. Its a good project, and I feel comfortable with it. So, I'd been happy if someone would take this spot.
I don't understand, what do you mean by 'paste it'? And paste it where?
I hope Linkin isnt shitting me. I mean paste the sprite on bgs, make some effects.
(02-22-2009, 08:52 PM)SSL Hedgie Wrote: [ -> ]I hope Linkin isnt shitting me. I mean paste the sprite on bgs, make some effects.
Wait, you need someone to put your sprites on a background?
yeah. i made quote bubbles already. there unique. I need them to do effects while they paste.
Are you honestly that lazy?
'Sides, no requests.