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(05-29-2011, 05:09 PM)ClashX Wrote: [ -> ]Here's A little somethin I just whiped up...
![[Image: Samus_Idle_Wi_P.gif?noCache=1306706891]](
I don't see any flaws with that except that the gun is bobbing up and down; it should be more still.
I see a lot of flaws. It looks way too... Undynamic, if that's a word. It just doesn't look like you're doing anything but slightly bening the knees and raising and lowering the cannon. Doesn't given off any sort of organic look.
Samus's Idle isn't really that dynamic to begin with
I think the main problem is that it's moving too fast. Even in Smash (which is notably more cartoony than her own games), her idle is very slow-moving and deliberate; she's not interested in wasting her energy like most of the other more "animated" people.
The other problem is that the animation is made pretty sloppily: the legs aren't really bending so much as they are just stretching, and the gun is the same way. This makes them look really noodly, which is certainly not something we want from things made of metal.
Good start, but I don't think that such a character portrayed as calm and collective in the smash series should be jumping around and acting so lively. The only move,emt I think she should have Idly is her breathing. Can you do that?
(05-30-2011, 07:10 PM)Negative-Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]Good start, but I don't think that such a character portrayed as calm and collective in the smash series should be jumping around and acting so lively. The only movememt I think she should have Idly is her breathing. Can you do that?
Yeah I can do that but what do you mean exactly? It is metal remember.
Go take a look at her Super Metroid sprites; that should illustrate the idea fairly well.
I'm no expert in stances, but it just looks like she's humping the air rather than standing. It's like she's just moving for the sake of moving, no style.
also known as noob bouncing (moving up and down just for the hell of it).
I made another Samus (once again...) and i think she's more accurate to the Brawl one this time, like the height and the colors.
(I promise i won't make another one).
(06-21-2011, 02:31 PM)Cookie Wrote: [ -> ]I made another Samus (once again...) and i think she's more accurate to the Brawl one this time, like the height and the colors.
![[Image: 110621093710186401.png]](
(I promise i won't make another one).
All you did was add a little pillow shading and made her fatter...
Please remind that she's actually the armor, not the girl inside. I send you to the Super Metroid sprites for reference.
Plus, she's an athletic woman, even in Other M.
But if you don't like, please show me an edit better than mine, and i will gladly accept it ^^
(sorry if my sentences have no sense, i'm still clumsy with english)
I'm sorry ClashX, but if you actually compared his previous attempts you'd see he changed the height, colours and stance of Samus. I see no noticeable use of pillow shading and she actually seems kind of thinner, imo.
Here... I say the sprite should be entirely redone.
![[Image: samuss.png]](
Did i do something wrong to you ?
You subjectively deny my work without any arguments, why ?
You clearly don't like me but, please, don't be ridiculous.
You showed more pillow shading than me in your previous sprite and you suffer more anatomy problems than me.
Are you just jealous ?
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