This is the topic for the SSB Project Kirby sheet.
im sorry to say, but this kirby sucks. The guy who made the melee kirby basic should make the brawl ones. i'm using his stuff in the brawl game im making
I think it was angelglory that made a terrific kirby base.
No, I meant to ask for which one sucked. I'm guessing that the one you posted is the one you like, so one of these ones must be the one you think sucks:
Am I right?
Also, sorry for the confusion.
No, I think he was talking about Shnaps'.
BTW, the only Kirby I've ever made was the ND3 one, unless there's some other one that I completely forgot about. >_>;;
i like the one on the left. The one on the right doesn't suck that bad, its just that the color and contrast doesn't fit
kiss my ask you son of a biscuit. Shut the Front door!
Did you mean to post that here?
There's a significant difference between "Smash Bros. Project" and "Spamhaul", genius. How could you confuse them?
I don't know, guys, they both start with "S."
Could be more similar than you think.