I think we've got our Luigi.
(11-03-2009, 11:16 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I think we've got our Luigi.
Thank you!
I still think that his skin color is too dark, so what about this?
It needs to be the same color as Mario's.
If you think it's too light, then use shading techniques to make it look lighter instead of changing the palette.
I also thought that having Luigi with a more pale face would make his differences with Mario stand out more.
But, I also remembered that Luigi is Mario's twin brother.
So, I think he should have the same skin color.
Also, the color of his jeans, I still suggest we use a purple-ish tone or a darker blue as it'd go better with the green.
oh, I didn't know they're twins...never actually thought about that.
Getting back on topic, I think the jeans would look pretty good like more teal (me hating really cool colors)
hows about the first color overalls, like this
Mr. L isn't supposed to have his eyes showing. They're pretty much suppose to be white angry eyes.
(11-03-2009, 08:45 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. L isn't supposed to have his eyes showing. They're pretty much suppose to be white angry eyes.
They only did that probably because he wares a black mask on his eyes, and the white shows them more (because of course, the characters had all black eyes).
Yes, like that, but I suggest adding the 2nd shade of white somewhere in the eyes.
Definitely like the white eyes more.
You mean like this? Also is this his Alternate costume?