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His whole body turns black. He looks like he's in a minstrel show there.
Ness's whole body should be covered in black, also it should look more like he is covered in ash/burnt. Use the original sprite as reference. [Image: nessteleport.png]
edit: Tonberry beat me to it, but still use the original as reference.
Ok, thanks. I wasnt sure whether to keep the clothes in their original state, or burnt.
[Image: nessd.png]

Ill just get to work on the rest of the intro now.
All you did was color him black. Look at the game and the sprite. There's more detail to it than that.
Is this good?

[Image: nessg.png]
Did he go bald at some point?

the original sprite clearly shows him with spiked hair. You might want to change that to reflect it better.

Also the bottom row animation is completely bad, save for the last two frames.
Alright, I haven't tried to actually help with this project so long, that I thought I might as well throw in some help. I tried to make the running animation. [Image: nessrunanim.gif]
Great, but I think the arms should come up instead of suddenly shooting up.
[Image: nessrunanim.gif] Threw in a very quick transition frame.
And that's all it takes. Great job. Big Grin
Will it still loop ok?
The sprite is good as it is at the moment.

We already have a great running animation made by solink if you read the thread.
...Oh. We need a sheet up.
(That's why I said that everyone should post individual frames...Not many people care enough to download graphics gale.)
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