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muuuuch better.
[Image: nessfinishtry.gif]
raping other people's hard work is fun
most recent:
[Image: newness-4.png]

of course this is probably going to change when we establish a new style or something
i still like the one i finished
[Image: ness1.png]
New attempt at Ness.
You... posted... AGAIN!! Anyway, nice start. I don't think he should be staring at the screen unless that's for a taunt. But of course, that's a n00b spriters opinion.
Yeah, he should probably face right.

[Image: NESS.png]
[Image: Nessbody79551.png]
I made him a bit more proportionate to Mario, and added :] since Ness always smiles.
Ness has a lopsided face.
pik, can you repost the image? I can't see it :I
Try putting #1's head on #2's body. And yeah, his face looks like it's melting.
I like it, looks fine to me. My only complaint is the blue on his shirt. That needs to be fixed
I agree

Maybe it could be bit closer to say... Porky's overalls?
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