I noticed that sometimes when I click a topic I get redirected to a dating/porn site. Someone also told me they had the same problem. This only happens once in a while, but any link on the forum can redirect you.
Yeah, it's happened to me.
Dazz really needs to talk to the ad network. :/
You need to record these things in more detail - record the URL they link to, etc.
Happened to me a few times. I usually get redirected to an IQ test site. Twice it happened to a different tab I had open, so idk if its just the forum or if its something from the forum or what.
EDIT: Fuckin shit it just happened after I posted.
You're not listening to me.
Dazz, the last thing we have on mind when we are dealing with a sudden trojan/link hijacker is taking a screenshot. We must react fast or endure hours of headaches later.

Until now, "Antivirus 2009" was already identified and confirmed as one of the problems, though.
Happened to me a few times, one time I was redirected to a site saying that my "account was terminated because of complaints".
Random redirects DO happen, once and while the same ad repeats -X- number of times. If it happens to me, it'd be reccomended to ignore it (the redirection) and hit the <- Back button and leave it alone until it becomes a major problem (More than 15 people get it).
^Sometimes you have to push it a couple times because the ad was redirected by a redirect, like when you push back on View News Posts page and it goes to Searching for new Posts which brings you back to View New Posts.
This has happened to me a few times just recently, and after reading this thread I remembered to grab the URL of the most recent redirect.
I'm PMing it to you now, Dazz.
Edit: Nevermind, I was actually stupid enough to copy something else into the clipboard before pasting the URL into a PM.

Ahaha...I'll get the next one, sorry.
Just get rid of the ads. They don't generate revenue or any things else in my point of view.
It's happened to me, but not on my home computer. Only the one at my parents' house.