Wow FFFFFFFFdposfkpsdofkpsdofk Awesome
the colors makes me smile.
Those are absolutely beautiful

You always do incredible work.
But I must be honest you're work is too good for Luc Bernard.
(03-02-2009, 07:56 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]You always do incredible work.
But I must be honest you're work is too good for Luc Bernard.
Anyone on this site is too good for that kid.
Awesome shit, yo
Shame I don't have nor plan to get an iPhone.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Just a question: Who the hell is Luc Bernard?
(03-03-2009, 01:12 PM)JosephSeraph Wrote: [ -> ]Just a question: Who the hell is Luc Bernard?
Google should provide you with everything you need to know.
Many thanks for the Obvious and Agressive answer, but i did tried google and i just saw drawings and something about a princess DS game.
... I bet you will never hear such an answer come to my mouth. oh well.
If you must know BaB here is doing work for Luc Bernard, a game developer who made Eternity's Child.
He's what you call an indie game developer.
Joseph, it wasn't an agressive answer XD stop being a drama queen, go check wikipedia or something, make sure you enter right keywords
*edit* XD dam koopaul, we posted at same time
(03-03-2009, 02:54 PM)nairenu Wrote: [ -> ]Joseph, it wasn't an agressive answer XD stop being a drama queen, go check wikipedia or something, make sure you enter right keywords
meh, IMO anyone who says "Just Google it" rather than making a thoughtful/helpful reply is being aggressive...
(03-03-2009, 02:53 PM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]If you must know BaB here is doing work for Luc Bernard, a game developer who made Eternity's Child.
He's what you call an indie game developer.
He's what you call a wannabe commercial developer.
(03-03-2009, 02:54 PM)nairenu Wrote: [ -> ]make sure you enter right keywords
I kinda suck at keywords, no really. i spent 5 hours in search for chemical evolution theory illustrations sunday, for a school project. SUNDAY!!!!!! T_T
Now, returning to the topic´s meaning... I really like the cartunny feeling of your sprites. though i don´t like the darknes, saturation and contrast, everything else is alright, and the darkness thing are only MY personal preference...