First off, hello! First time poster here but I'm not new to the scene by any stretch of the word.
I'm going to start off saying these are my first DS rip attempts and thanks to Barubary, they've been made easier. Don't worry, nothing godawful here, I assure you.
Well, I recently beat this game for the DS and was enamored by the art style and some of the sprites, so I decided I must rip them! :o
At the moment, I only have the portraits, shop art, and Book I bosses ripped, barring Dark Fact and the first boss. I have their effects ripped, but the game seems to have hidden their main sprites.

I hope to have Book II bosses done by the end of the weekend.
Let's dive in yes? Keep in mind that a majority of these are fairly large in size, so I left them as standard links to avoid slowdowns.
Book I
![[Image: YsIPortraits_Icon.png]](
![[Image: YsIShop_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Jenocres_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Nygtilger_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Vagullion_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Pictimos_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Khonsclard_Icon.png]](
![[Image: YogOmu_Icon.png]](
Book II
![[Image: YsIIPortraits_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Gelaldy_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Tyalmath_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Zava_Icon.png]](
Well, that's all for now. Hopefully they weren't so bad for my first attempts, arharhar.
(Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong area. I wasn't sure whether or not to post here or in the main submissions forum)
Godammit KoA stop following me.
But, yeah good rips so far.
Haha Rags, I didn't even know you were here.
I guess some of you peeps are more ubiquitous than I thought.

I do so apologize for the double post, but I'm updating wit a rip of Gelaldy from Book II.
It's one of my favorites mostly for its grotesque appearance:
More to come after work tomorrow. But for now, I must slumber as I wake up in 6 hours for work anyway.

Awesome... that´s epic. love these... Love your sig more though =D
She is so... addictive, or what ? (i dunno of a better word)
Yea Lilia (The apple lady) is probably one of more gorgeous VG girls I've seen. In fact it was her portrait that made me wanna rip from this game, hah.
A big update today. I ripped Jenocres and Dark Fact, thus completing all the Book I bosses. I also added icons for all the sheets as well as edited the sheets themselves. Also updated the first post. =)
I'll start ripping more of the Book II bosses tomorrow.
![[Image: Jenocres_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Fact_Icon.png]](
Whoops, been away for awhile but I've got a couple more rips from Book II.
It seems the Book II bosses' tiles are infinitely more crazy than all of Book I's, so they'll take a bit longer. Velagunder's tiles appear to be kinda pixellated. :/
Anywho, enjoy Tyalmath and the final boss Darm for now.
![[Image: Tyalmath_Icon.png]](
![[Image: Darm_Icon.png]](
Awesome, I always thought we needed more YS.
And more we shall recieve.
Two more bosses tonight, Zava and Velagunder.
![[Image: Velagunder_Icon.png]](
And in case anyone's wondering,
Yes, Velagunder's supposed to look like that. Hell, I even tested the Japanese Ys II DS cart as well and it came out the same.
Also, I'm having the damnest time with Druegar, the spider boss. It seems that the game has like super encrypted the data for his leg textures, making them unable to be ripped by myself. If anyone wants to help me tackle this feat(no pun intended), I would be greatly appreciative. As of now, everything else of his is ripped.
Tomorrow will see Duless ripped, which will put a close to my Ys DS boss rips, time to move onto normal enemies.
Ok never listen to my time estimates, as they are as reliable as a three armed monkey playing poker.
I do have Dulles finished tonight however, so booyah.
Honestly, It was hard to name him, since the poor bastard went through like eleventy billion name translations throughout the years. Dalles, Duless, Dulless, Scrappy Doo, etc... I just went by what the game tiles referred to him as. :/
Also, here's what I have from Druegar's sheet if anyone wants to adopt the task of getting his legs. Hell, I'll even provide you with the necessary files. I'm just done fucking around with him.
![[Image: druegar.png]](
Dulles is sexy as, but why not finish Druegar? Is it really complicated to get the legs or something?
Yeah, since his legs are animated seperately from the rest of his body (via 3-D effect), the game seems to go out of its way to hide the actual leg sprites from me.
In fact, this was the closest I even got to materializing them:
So you can see the data is clearly there, it's just a matter of dicking around with the settings to make them appear. I'll take another crack at it though.
I can take a crack at it, just send me the file.
Thanks Clownman, I sent them as requested.

It looks like my magic isn't going to work, it seems to be done in a different format than what we think it is, there are these lines that appear vertically and unless they are part of the sprite, the legs might be harder to do, in general.