We have 20222 sheets on the site!
Time to celebrate! Great job, everyone! Here's to another 20k sheets!
That's awesome.
Congrats, tSR.
Well after 7+ years I'd expect it. Yep we've come a long way.
Things are going even faster now! I suspect it won't be long before we get another 10k up there.
I must admit that I agree with Koopaul - with the rate I seem to be chucking out sheets alone, I don't think it will be too long before we get another 10k up. Hooray for large sites!
Although i know that it's only due to my contribution. Without me, it wouldn't have got that far.
Still, it's amazing. 20222 sure is a lot. Yep, Congratulations, tSR.
Man thats alot.
Wish the forum was a little more active but w/e
Good job everyone who contributed.
Did no one think to count the individual sprites? MADNESS!
Well that depends on what you'd consider an individual sprite.
Yahee. Congrats TSR and everyone who contributed.

All right TSR!!!! I'm glad I can help out.
Wow, great job everyone. Does anyone know what sheet the 20,000th one was?
It was actually
this one, because of the deleted sheets.
Hmm, neat. What else can you check?
Can you post how many sheets are in each section?