Yes Spinda's patterns are always different, although I have had more than one of the same at some points, but I take a look at the serebii forums.
Okay, I couldn't get all the different patterns, but I was able to work it out. Ya no animations. It just hops with that single frame. I included some examples as a guide, though.
Well it's something at least. Wonder how those patterns work...
Finally did Bottles. Now there you have it. That's all the playables in Banjo Pilot.
I could never freakin' unlock Bottles...
Im loving every minute of this.
Do you make alot of customs
(03-28-2009, 10:34 AM)Feste Wrote: [ -> ]Do you make alot of customs
Usually when I feel like it.
Nice work, Bottles was always an odd-looker.
Pinky complete! Brain will be next, but not sure when it'll be done. Ya this is how the sprites look. Weird style.
I assume this is the GBA game, aye?
Nice work!